Carla Freschi is a multidisciplinary artist originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

With a background in fashion design and a couple of years in the fashion industry, she realised that an office environment was not for her. In 2016, Carla started travelling and discovered what she wanted to do for the rest of her life.


Describe yourself and your designs to us?

I would describe myself as determined, curious and with a sense of humour. I was born in Argentina, but lived in other countries such as Uruguay, United States, Australia and Denmark. So I guess travelling has always been part of my life. My work is a reflection of my experiences throughout my travels, fusing the Australian relaxed lifestyle, the Scandinavian soft minimalism and the Japanese wabi-sabi philosophy. All of my pieces are hand embroidered on linen canvas with cotton threads.


Not so long ago I finished my studies, made my practices and got the dream job in the local fashion industry. I remember being in front of the desk asking myself, and now what? I decided to leave the country and look for new adventures. After living in Australia, I moved to Copenhagen and this was the final step in defining the aesthetics of my work. I began creating my embroideries, and with a strong personal identity, I felt confident enough to share my artworks.

What creative work has you excited right now?

I'm taking wood sculpting lessons at the moment, which I'm super excited about. I love the idea of creating all types of artworks with natural materials such as wood or natural fabrics. Also, I will be having my first exhibition very soon in the context of a renowned art fair in Argentina, which is a pivotal moment for me and my work. Being selected among other emerging and also established artists to show my artistic proposal is amazing. Next, I want to do an art residency somewhere inspiring so I guess I'll go back to my nomad life pretty soon!

What do you love to do most to recharge or relax?

Laughter is the best charger on Earth and spending quality time with my loved ones is very important for me. Especially if we get the chance to meet in a different city and travel together. Living abroad by myself made me appreciate every special moment with them.

What advice do you have for emerging ARTISTS?

Whatever you do, show it! Your work doesn't exist for the rest of the world until you share it. You'll probably never be 100% satisfied as there's always something to improve, but don't make that stop you from sharing it proudly. We are constantly evolving and so are our creations.